Revolutionizing Health Care for Type2 Diabetes & Obesity.

Trusted Physicians, Nutritionists, and Coaches to Transform You
Manage Type 2 Diabetes
Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
Resolve Pre-Diabetes
Resolve Obesity
Manage Mental Health
Wearable Device
Personal Assistant
Join now
weight loss
Improvement in
Mental Health
your health companion

Your health companion for every step of the journey

Doctor Ahmed

You've just provided me with your glucose level, let's adjust your medication now.

Guidance of a physician
Instant access
Instant Diabetic Care

Keep your glucose levels under control with immediate medical advice from our expert team whenever you experience a spike or dip.

Guidance of a family physician
Availability of laboratory work
Long-term care for you

Get access to long-term care for your diabetes under the guidance of a physician including the availability of laboratory work, medication profile, medical history, and follow-up appointments

Abdul Rahman

Working together closely to find your balance and learn how to care for yourself

Own health coach
Self-care plan
Learn self-care through nutrition & mind

Reach out to your health and well-being mentor today to assist you in creating a self-care plan that considers both the physical and mental aspects of living a healthy lifestyle

Abdul Rahman
Drink more water
Food blog
Workout regularly
Long term support
Permanent improvements
With you every step of the way

We empower individuals on their wellness journey by providing valuable information to caretakers and shifting conversations towards healing and transformation with healthcare provider guidance.

The proof

The proof is in the outcomes

Keep your glucose levels under control with immediate medical advice from our expert team whenever you experience a spike or dip.

Join now

1,000+ people already joined
the plan. Get join now!

HbA1c Reduction


Avg weght loss




Improvement in
Mental Health



Healthy. In control

Create a comprehensive self-care plan with your mentor to enable your journey to health and wellness.

In control of your chronic metabolic disease

Hanna Health empowers you to change your life by providing guidance to help you manage and prevent multiple chronic metabolic diseases

Experience the transformation

Well-being is every bit as vital as fitness. After just a month of using Hanna Health, most people witness an increase in vitality, enthusiasm, and symptom relief

Safe elimination of medications

At Hanna Health, you can now enjoy a lifestyle not reliant on medication. With the help of your healthcare provider, it is feasible to gradually reduce or cease medications over an extended period


What members are saying

Doing this program will...

Doing this program will bring you a wave of positive effects. You'll feel better, more energized, and more motivated! Suddenly going out for exercise, cycling or walking won't be daunting anymore - it'll be something that you want to do! This is the kind of transformation this program can provide.

At first, I expected the...

At first, I expected the process to be completely automated with a generic app. However, what surprised me most was how my diet could have such an enormous impact on my daily life and energy levels. Through this journey, I've realized that by making slight adjustments in my eating habits I don't need to be deprived of food to lose weight and maintain high energy levels throughout exercise or other activities.

Finding hope with the team.

The members of my clinical team instilled hope in me before I even had faith in myself. From day one, they showed dedication and compassion for my health when it was at its worst. They provided more than just medical care; their support granted me a new lease on life. It is clear that the individuals supporting me are healers who genuinely want to see lasting results and success in my journey toward recovery - something which I am infinitely grateful for.

With boundless energy...

With boundless energy, I recently purchased a bicycle and am planning to explore the beautiful hiking trails in the southern regions. Not only have I shed my mental fatigue, but now enjoy increased clarity of thought as well as lower levels of anxiety!

Don't allow the disease...

Don't allow the disease to dictate your life - take back control and make a difference! Hope is achievable, change is within reach; it's simply up to you to take action.

Doing this program will...

Doing this program will bring you a wave of positive effects. You'll feel better, more energized, and more motivated! Suddenly going out for exercise, cycling or walking won't be daunting anymore - it'll be something that you want to do! This is the kind of transformation this program can provide.

At first, I expected the...

At first, I expected the process to be completely automated with a generic app. However, what surprised me most was how my diet could have such an enormous impact on my daily life and energy levels. Through this journey, I've realized that by making slight adjustments in my eating habits I don't need to be deprived of food to lose weight and maintain high energy levels throughout exercise or other activities.

Doing this program will...

Doing this program will bring you a wave of positive effects. You'll feel better, more energized, and more motivated! Suddenly going out for exercise, cycling or walking won't be daunting anymore - it'll be something that you want to do! This is the kind of transformation this program can provide.

Don't allow the disease...

Don't allow the disease to dictate your life - take back control and make a difference! Hope is achievable, change is within reach; it's simply up to you to take action.

With boundless energy...

With boundless energy, I recently purchased a bicycle and am planning to explore the beautiful hiking trails in the southern regions. Not only have I shed my mental fatigue, but now enjoy increased clarity of thought as well as lower levels of anxiety!

The most advantageous...

The most advantageous feature is the real-time readings - it's like having all of your data right before your eyes!

Finding hope with the team.

The members of my clinical team instilled hope in me before I even had faith in myself. From day one, they showed dedication and compassion for my health when it was at its worst. They provided more than just medical care; their support granted me a new lease on life. It is clear that the individuals supporting me are healers who genuinely want to see lasting results and success in my journey toward recovery - something which I am infinitely grateful for.

Doing this program will...

Doing this program will bring you a wave of positive effects. You'll feel better, more energized, and more motivated! Suddenly going out for exercise, cycling or walking won't be daunting anymore - it'll be something that you want to do! This is the kind of transformation this program can provide.

At first, I expected the...

At first, I expected the process to be completely automated with a generic app. However, what surprised me most was how my diet could have such an enormous impact on my daily life and energy levels. Through this journey, I've realized that by making slight adjustments in my eating habits I don't need to be deprived of food to lose weight and maintain high energy levels throughout exercise or other activities.

Finding hope with the team.

The members of my clinical team instilled hope in me before I even had faith in myself. From day one, they showed dedication and compassion for my health when it was at its worst. They provided more than just medical care; their support granted me a new lease on life. It is clear that the individuals supporting me are healers who genuinely want to see lasting results and success in my journey toward recovery - something which I am infinitely grateful for.

The most advantageous...

The most advantageous feature is the real-time readings - it's like having all of your data right before your eyes!

Finding hope with the team.

The members of my clinical team instilled hope in me before I even had faith in myself. From day one, they showed dedication and compassion for my health when it was at its worst. They provided more than just medical care; their support granted me a new lease on life. It is clear that the individuals supporting me are healers who genuinely want to see lasting results and success in my journey toward recovery - something which I am infinitely grateful for.

At first, I expected the...

At first, I expected the process to be completely automated with a generic app. However, what surprised me most was how my diet could have such an enormous impact on my daily life and energy levels. Through this journey, I've realized that by making slight adjustments in my eating habits I don't need to be deprived of food to lose weight and maintain high energy levels throughout exercise or other activities.

Doing this program will...

Doing this program will bring you a wave of positive effects. You'll feel better, more energized, and more motivated! Suddenly going out for exercise, cycling or walking won't be daunting anymore - it'll be something that you want to do! This is the kind of transformation this program can provide.

Don't allow the disease...

Don't allow the disease to dictate your life - take back control and make a difference! Hope is achievable, change is within reach; it's simply up to you to take action.

With boundless energy...

With boundless energy, I recently purchased a bicycle and am planning to explore the beautiful hiking trails in the southern regions. Not only have I shed my mental fatigue, but now enjoy increased clarity of thought as well as lower levels of anxiety!

Quick, lasting outcomes for members who are thriving and involved
One partner for managing and preventing diabetic chronic disease
Accessible and sustainable fee models to everyone

Partner with Hanna Health

Through our revolutionary whole-person approach, Hanna Health partners with progressive self-insured employers, health plans, health systems, and providers to combat the root causes of chronic metabolic disease. This enables members and patients to experience an improved quality of life while presenting immense long-term cost savings for the organisations involved.

Join now